The Making of a Musical (part 1)

Friday January 5, 2018

And curtain! The rehearsal run of BYPC's Mary Poppins Junior is underway.  We started rehearsals today but our production truly began with auditions back in December 2017.

Auditions - a word that can make grown men and women weep.  It is nerve wracking for all concerned.  For the performers it means working hard to put their their best performance forward as they strive to land their dream role.  For the directors it will set the fate of the production.  It is a task that defines daunting for all concerned.

At BYPC it runs deeper.  Our mission is to grow the gifts within each of the students that we have the honor of working with.  What we can teach these performers.  Who is ready to learn and at what level?  What role will be their key to growth. We are also burdened with the thought that we will disappoint some of our actors and that is always heartbreaking.  So the casting decisions that we make are done with deliberate care.

But, cast we must and here they are - our cast.  They are a great, energetic, and diverse group of actors, dancers, and singers.  Can't wait to watch these performers learn and grow and we look forward to sharing the journey in Making of a Musical - Mary Poppins Jr.

MaryPoppins Cast Photo.jpg

Saturday January 6, 2018

Jess Choreo (1).jpg

Here she is - our mighty choreographer - Jess Davison.  We are so lucky to have her expertise, creativity, and passion in every step that she choreographs.  And what the kids who come back each year will tell you is that she is also just plain fun.  Her goal is to let every one of our performers shine - challenging each performer to reach a bit further building confidence and skill - to be their best selves. 

Jessica's impact is best exemplified by what we witnessed on Saturday from Sarah Dobbins, we call her Dobbs.  When Sarah first came to BYPC two years ago she was paralyzed by the mere idea of dancing.  It shook her to her core. But, she faced that challenge with humor and determination and she persevered. So, imagine our great surprise on Saturday when Sarah volunteered to coach another student in the choreography that was being taught. Dobbs stepped up to teach dance! Well, of course, that immediately earned her the coveted title of "Dance Captain".  Well done Dobbs and Jess. 

The entire rehearsal was simply Supercalifragisticexpialidious!  Here your first peak at the Making of Musical - Mary Poppins, Jr.