The Making of a Holiday Tradition (part 4)

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever - Gladys Herdman

In the words of Charlie Bradley, “Gladys isn’t big but she’s fast and she’s mean, and she bites.”

And yes, sadly, Gladys hits too. As the youngest and the scrappiest of the Herdman clan Gladys is a survivor of her own life.  She is intimidating, cunning, and resourceful.  After all she is the Herdman who pierced Imogene’s ears which is stunning for one so young. 
She has been portrayed by some of our youngest cast members who delight in bringing life to this feisty fireball.   Here are some of our current and past Gladys Herdmans broadcasting her now trademark proclamation.  “Shazam! Out of the black of night with horrible vengeance. The Mighty Marvo.”  

“Shazam!” In one raucous and momentous utterance we are awakened to the fact that Gladys Herdman is just a child.  She is one unshakable and tough child but she is nonetheless a child.  An innocent who drifts into her imagination fed by stories read from a comic book to make sense of the events that Grace Bradley chronicles from the Christmas story.  Her viewpoint is honest. She cuts through the poetic prose and boils it down to one simple and direct message.  “It’s Jesus.  He’s in the barn.  Go on go see him.” And she wins our hearts.  

“Hey, hey unto you a child is born!”  This child, as every child,  brings the message of hope filling our hearts with love. And this child, Gladys Herdman, invites each of us to experience the joy of the season as only a child can.  Shazam!